- Ezra Knight – President
- Linda Powell – 1st Vice President
- Anthony Rapp – 2nd Vice President
- Jim Kerr – 3rd Vice President
- Liz Zazzi – 4th Vice President
- Marc Baron
- Evan Bass
- Christina Bobrowsky
- Avis Boone
- Christine Bruno
- Annika Connor
- Sanjit De Silva
- Ray DeForest
- Nick Fondulis
- Erin Fritch
- Michael Gaston
- Traci Godfrey
- Ed Heavey
- John James
- Phoebe Jonas
- Sandra Karas
- Samantha MacIvor
- Malikha Mallette
- Vanessa Morales
- Jack Mulcahy
- Janice Pendarvis
- Jay Potter
- Cheri Preston
- Anthony Rapp
- Kevin Scullin
- Sarah Seeds
- Vanessa Thorpe
- David Ushery
- Deja Vu
- Rick Zahn
New York Local Executive Director
Rebecca Damon
Contact Us
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New York Local Office
New York
1900 Broadway, 5th FloorNew York , New York 10023
New York Local Committees
The New York Local committees, in collaboration with applicable SAG-AFTRA national committees, serve to advocate on behalf of specific SAG-AFTRA members either working under a specific collective bargaining agreement or a specific member classification. They also create and implement programs, projects and initiatives that serve those members.
The Background Advisory Committee is committed to addressing issues and concerns of those members who do background, stand-in and photo-double work through member advocacy, outreach and education, organizing through participation in industry events, and by making recommendations to either staff or the New York Local Board.
The Communications Committee provides guidance to the New York Local department in its efforts to educate the local membership about the union and its contracts; to raise SAG-AFTRA’s public profile; to build pride in membership and strengthen their bargaining position and; to create, protect and produce and distribute materials that support these activities.
The New York Conservatory Committee works on a local level to encourage, supervise and create programs through the Conservatory which benefit SAG-AFTRA members. Overseen by dedicated professionals, the Conservatory offers members a means to nurture their talents, mechanics and skills through workshops, seminars and special events. The goal is to lead to a better understanding of the role of the professional actor in the business of acting and to a more successful and productive career.
The Ethnic Employment Opportunities Committee (EEOC) works to increase opportunities for members of any and all racial/ethnic groups so that the American scene is accurately reflected in all areas of the workforce. The EEOC explores ways to promote diversity by educating members and industry stakeholders on the value of inclusion and the contractual policies of non-discrimination and fair employment.
The Film Society Committee sets the calendar and selects films for each season of the film society, including special Q&A events and bonus screenings.
The Government Affairs & Public Policy Committee works with the GAPP department and the New York Executive Director to develop, discuss and pursue local and New York legislative and public policy initiatives that help to both protect and expand the rights of New York SAG-AFTRA members. The committee often partners with other organizations with similar interests on policy matters that further the welfare of SAG-AFTRA members and the industries in which they work.
The Governance Review Committee assists the New York Local governing body of SAG-AFTRA by studying, analyzing and thoroughly considering opportunities, problems and issues that may arise in connection with the governance of the local, ultimately formulating recommendations to those bodies for action, or exercising delegated authority.
The Health Care Safety Net Committee assembles and communicates healthcare information as well as organizes programs that inform, educate and benefit both uninsured and underinsured members including traditional and alternative health fairs, clinics, screenings, seminars and events.
The New York Local Honors and Tributes Committee oversees all honors, tributes and awards given by the union in New York, subject to approval by the National HAT Committee. The committee’s mission is to identify, select and honor deserving individuals who have given excellent service and made exemplary contributions to SAG-AFTRA, its members and the community of entertainment and media professionals. The committee selects the recipient of the Joseph C. Riley Award.
The LGBTQ Committee provides support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer members and educates the SAG-AFTRA membership, the industry, and the public on LGBTQ issues with a focus on ending discrimination in the workplace and expanding work opportunities.
The New York Local Military Committee advocates for SAG-AFTRA members who have served, or presently serve in the U.S. military. We endeavor to increase employment opportunities by outreach and engagement across the entertainment industry and by providing development opportunities such as classes, panels and gatherings to engage and unite the community.
MORE empowers SAG-AFTRA members with information related to their business and their ability to effectively manage and take responsibility for their individual careers as union members. The committee conducts outreach on the importance of union membership and hosts member orientations, seminars and other activities designed to inspire self-empowerment in the business.
MOVE is a non-partisan, member-driven committee, dedicated to supporting the initiatives of SAG-AFTRA and positively influencing the lives of actors and performers. Through trainings, forums and events, MOVE provides member education, organizes to both create more union employment and strengthen existing contracts, and promotes union solidarity within the labor community.
NGP works to develop, serve and connect the emerging generation of SAG-AFTRA membership. Through social events, social media networking and community outreach, NGP creates an educated, engaged and energized union membership. NGP reinforces the vitality of SAG-AFTRA and its benefits early in our members' professional lives.
The New York Executive Committee is composed of the five Local Officers plus five additional Local Board members selected by the Local Board. The NYEC may act for and on behalf of the Local Board on those matters it has been authorized to do so by the Local Board, such as recommending strategic, organizing and policy considerations, authorizing limited financial expenditures, approving routine local contracts, and responding to emergencies. The NYEC generally meets in advance of every Local Board meeting
The NY Host Committee works with the Special Projects department to plan special events in the New York Local throughout the year.
The NY Promo/Trailers Steering Committee addresses issues and concerns of those members who do promotional and trailer work through member advocacy, outreach and education, organization by way of industry events and recommendations to either staff or the New York Local Board.
Through its annual program, the Open Door Committee provides New York members the opportunity to interact with industry professionals such as casting directors and agents on a one-on-one basis. Members may be empowered with the potential for future employment and representation.
The Organizing Committee is dedicated to supporting and engaging organizing efforts in negotiations, work actions and campaigns designed to educate, empower and increase membership in the community of working performers and media professionals. Serving as an advisory entity, the committee works directly with the SAG-AFTRA Organizing department to identify organizing opportunities and assist in fulfilling goals set by the New York Local Board by implementing coordinated strategies within the national landscape of locals.
The mission of the PWD Committee is to achieve full access for and inclusion of performers and broadcasters with disabilities by working to increase employment opportunities and improve working conditions in all areas of entertainment and news media.
The Reinstatement Obligation Review Committee (RORC) reviews and determines course of action for cases of terminated members due to reasons of non-payment and considers their reinstatement requests.
The Seniors Committee’s primary aim is to increase employment opportunities and improve work conditions for SAG-AFTRA seniors by promoting more open attitudes with respect to casting and the way in which seniors are portrayed in entertainment and news media. The committee also addresses issues facing retired members and those who may be approaching retirement by focusing on the areas of health care, residuals, pensions, social security, Medicare and unemployment insurance.
The Singers Committee’s purpose is to engage, unify, educate and organize the singers’ community at large in order to address specific areas of enforcement and to voice those interests and issues unique to this community.
The Stunt Committee is committed to addressing issues unique to the stunt community, proactively raising awareness of safety concerns relating to stunt work, to ensure the highest standards of wages, working conditions, and safety.
The Women's Committee works to influence and improve the quality and quantity of employment opportunities for female members across all media platforms. Through collaboration, education and advocacy, it encourages positive and diverse images of women and the elimination of stereotypes, ageism and gender bias to better reflect the American scene in the entertainment and news industries.
The Young Performers Committee represents the interests of that valued segment of SAG-AFTRA who are underage. The committee exists to ensure the welfare and protection of employed minors. This includes but is not limited to a physically and psychologically safeguarded work environment, access to adequate education and health services, financial protections and the prevention of any exploitation or discrimination whatsoever. The committee believes that employed minors often require greater protections, guidance and resources than their adult counterparts. Through outreach, the committee endeavors to prepare young performers for the unique challenges that they may encounter. The committee also strives to engage and mentor young performers so that they may become full participants in the working of their union and to ensure that any minor employed in the entertainment industry is protected, supported and enriched by their experience as professional artists.