Hawaii members, now is your time to have your voices heard by our legislators. Let them know that we need robust incentives to attract and grow our film industry.
SB732 - RELATING TO THE FILM INDUSTRY: Requires qualified production costs of a taxpayer that exceed $1,000,000 to be certified by an independent third-party certified public accountant to qualify for the tax credit. Increases the total amount of tax credits allowed in any given year from $50,000,000 to $60,000,000. Includes broadcast and streaming platform productions under the tax credit. Defines "streaming platform." Extends the sunset date for the tax credit to Jan. 1, 2038.
We are asking for your help. Please consider submitting testimony supporting SB732.
On-time testimony must be received by 1 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 3. Testimony will be accepted until the hearing.
Submitting online written testimony is easy. Go to the bill’s status page for SB732, look in the upper right-hand part of the screen and click on the orange “Submit Testimony” button.
If you need to create a login, you will be instructed on how to do so. After that, it is just a few clicks to have your voice heard.
Click here for additional instructions on how to submit testimony.
When submitting testimony, you need not write anything out, it is as simple as clicking the “SUPPORT” button. However, if you are so inclined to write more please consider:
- Thanking the Legislature for supporting our members in Hawaii.
- Stating that you are supporting SB732.
- Mentioning that a robust and stable incentive program is not only good for our members, crew, technicians and the creative industries — it benefits the whole state by creating living wage jobs and diversifying our economy.
- Sharing how you directly benefit from this film incentive program.
- Sharing examples of the positive impact this program has had on your community, town or neighborhood.
Thank you for your support and thank you for taking the time to read this email. Please contact mericia.palmaelmore@sagaftra.org with questions.